Guide for Installing and Configuring the RedRays AI Plugin for ABAP Code Scanning in Visual Studio Code
1. Downloading Visual Studio Code
To use the plugin, you will need Visual Studio Code (VS Code).
Go to the official Visual Studio Code website.
Select your operating system (Windows, Linux, or Mac) and download the installer.
Install VS Code by following the setup wizard instructions.
2. Installing the RedRays AI Plugin
Open VS Code.
On the left-hand panel, find the Extensions tab (icon with a cube image).
Search for “RedRays” in the search bar.
Locate the plugin “RedRays ABAP Code Scanner” and click the “Install” button.
3. Configuring the Plugin
After installing the plugin, open an ABAP file to activate the required plugin features.
Go to the plugin settings (right-click on the plugin -> “Settings”).
Enter the 32-character API key provided by RedRays ( in the “API Key” field and press Ctrl + S to save the key.
Ensure the API URL is set to
Verify that the setting “Enable sending ABAP code to API” is enabled.
4. Using the Plugin
Open an ABAP code file in VS Code.
Select all or part of the code you want to scan.
Right-click and choose “Scan with RedRays.”
Once the scan is complete, the results will be displayed at the bottom of the screen or in a separate “Scan Results” tab.