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Online ABAP Code Security Scanner

Empowering Secure, Efficient, and Compliant SAP ABAP Development—in Real Time and Without Data Retention

Online ABAP Code Scanner Premium

Scan your ABAP code for security vulnerabilities in real time. Provide your API key for full, detailed results—if you don’t have one, head to to use the demo form.

What is a 1 credit?

A single credit represents the unit cost for scanning and analyzing ABAP code for potential vulnerabilities or security issues. It is used to measure the computational resources and expertise required to process and assess the given code.

For example, to scan the following ABAP code:

METHOD read_file. DATA: filename TYPE string, filepath TYPE string, filedata TYPE string. filename = request->get_form_field('filename'). filepath = '/var/www/uploads/' && filename. CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_UPLOAD' EXPORTING filename = filepath IMPORTING filelength = len TABLES data_tab = filedata. response->set_data( filedata ). ENDMETHOD.

It would require 1.5 credits.

Yes, we have. We can refund the credits that you have not used upon request.

Special offer for SAP Security Udemy course!

$ 9.99

Join “SAP Security Core Concepts and Security Administration” which is part of the Blackhat course series.