A malicious user can discover information relating to the SAP Java Web Application Server(WAS). The information accidently disclosed above is only a dummy value and hence doesn’t have any major impact.
Available fix and Supported packages
- SAP_JTECHF | 7.00 | 7.02
- SAP_JTECHF | 6.40 | 6.40
- WD-RUNTIME | 7.10 | 7.11
- WD-RUNTIME | 7.20 | 7.20
- WD-RUNTIME | 7.30 | 7.30
- SAP TECH S 6.40 OFFLINE | SP027 | 000000
- SAP TECH S 7.00 OFFLINE | SP023 | 000000
- SAP TECH S OFFLINE 7.01 | SP008 | 000000
- SAP TECH S OFFLINE 7.02 | SP005 | 000000
- WEB DYNPRO RUNTIME 7.10 | SP011 | 000000
- WEB DYNPRO RUNTIME 7.11 | SP006 | 000000
- WEB DYNPRO RUNTIME 7.20 | SP004 | 000000
Affected component
WebDynpro Java
Score: 0
Detailed vulnerability information added to RedRays Security Platform. Contact [email protected] for details.