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Vahagn Vardanian

Vahagn Vardanian

Co-founder and CTO of RedRays

SU01 SAP GUI input history saves passwords, SAP security note 1365205


    1. You use transaction SU01 to create a new initial password for a user. This password is displayed as plaintext in the password field. If you choose “Enter” in the password field, the system saves the password in the input history of SAP GUI. This is a security risk.
    2. You want to enter or generate downward-compatible passwords for service users and system users without changing the password rules in general (for example, the system parameter ‘login/password_downwards_compatibility’).

Available fix and Supported packages

  • SAP_BASIS | 710 | 720
  • SAP_BASIS 710 | SAPKB71010 |
  • SAP_BASIS 711 | SAPKB71105 |
  • SAP_BASIS 720 | SAPKB72003 |

Affected component

    Users and Authorization administration


Score: 0


Detailed vulnerability information added to RedRays Security Platform. Contact [email protected] for details.




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